The Inspo- Quiet On The Set AND ACTION! Blog

As a girl who has rocked this incredible and brutal industry for the past 20 years, I can tell you so much that will make you say WHAT?!

Let me share some of that now.

As an Actress, I have seen plenty of shit. As an Executive Producer?! Nothing and I mean Nothing could prepare me for the straight up rotten, greedy and animalistic side of humanity nor just how much the general public is fooled by this entire industry. I mean, it was so traumatizing, I went into a severe state of mourning for 2 years.

People will do anything to take your budget. ANYTHING. People will do anything to get at your pockets…again, ANYTHING. It is sad, it has gotten old and pathetic.

With all that said, I decided to start my Blog Quiet on the Set AND ACTION. This blog was a complete means of therapy for me. A much needed means of therapy. We don’t want to explode in rage at the scheming people of the industry, in my case, that could be very dangerous. So I had delegated my writing to be my release while opening the eyes of others. I want to prevent others from the total devastation that every filmmaker, entertainer and Actor faces in this industry.

The main blog post on Quiet on the set is found on the main page of my website

The Topic is “So You Want to Be an Actor? Ask yourself first, for love or for fame. I learned so much on how those who became celebrities work the system tirelessly for years in a desperate rise to fame… it is a complete game. Majority of the stardom is obtained, not by talent, but what they do outside of work in order to stay relevent in media. They even pay guys with cameras to look like paparrazzi to follow them around LA, snapping pictures until crowds of people say “Who is that?” They do it until they get noticed. See my next blog post on the industry game.

Why do you want to be an Actor is a very important question, and the answer will determine if you or a loved one is wasting their time or not. We have no time to waste, figure out what you want, why you want it and then make the most informed decision from there.

In this post I share a great story of bringing friends, who never had anything to do with the industry, on to play a role.

I cover topics such as “Movie Distribution- The Great American Ponzi Scheme”, oh, let me tell you! The hell we went through with Distribution after all the lies and hell prior to distribution with our movie Nation’s Fire…It is a big LOL! Watch out for VISION FILMS, the most rotten company, company owner and business practice I had ever seen! In fact, majority of movies in their library were scammed by Vision Films. I spoke to many Executive Producers- the ones who put up the funding, who NEVER received a dime!

This lady Lise, is a trip, a woman who talks to her clients as if she is an abusive evil mother locking you in a closet without food or water for weeks at a time. She screams like her toe is in a vice. She will tell you to SHUT UP when you want receipts of her self reported fake financials. Oh yes honey, the ghetto came straight out of my mouth as I was yelling for someone to book me a flight there, NOW!

I nor my executive team had ever, ever seen anything like it. Nor will we ever deal with a *** like that again.

It is ok though, I am worth a hundred times what that monster is. You know why? I don’t screw anyone over in business. I dont deal with people who do.

I take care of people and I put them first. Their trust is everthing to me, so the people in my circle are my priority. That’s why.

Moving forward, I also cover topics to help filmmakers save greatly on costs that will destroy your budget and your entire production.

As you see, there is something for everyone in the film industry on my blog, I hope you find something you like and are able to use this information to your advantage. It cost me a couple million dollars as well as my soul to obtain.

Thank goodness, 5 years later, I took it all back and then some. Wink.

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